Monday, July 20, 2009

High School Reunion

A few months back, I received a Facebook message from a person I don't know but who apparently went to my high school and graduated with me. They were inviting me to attend the 5 year reunion in December. Ummmmm... 5 year reunion? Who has a 5 year reunion?

I doubt very many people in my class have really accomplished much in five years accept maybe graduate from college. Then I started thinking, would it really be worth it to me if I went? Apart from being facebook friends with them, I don't really keep up with anyone from high school. If I want to know what they're up to, I check their Facebook. Of the people that would go to this reunion, a) would I even know any of them (my class was 1,237) and b) would I even care to see them?

After much debate (not really, I think I thought about it for five minutes), I decided I'm not going. I joined the Facebook group for it in case I change my mind as it gets closer (I probably won't) and can see when and where it is.

High school reunion: not worth it. But, if there was a high school band reunion, I might seriously consider attending that one.


Alison said...

Good choice. My 10 year later this summer . . . yeah, I'm not going. :P My brother has enjoyed going to the marching band reunions, and always seems to have fun . . . so maybe that would be looking in to.

Rhia Jean said...

Yeah, I didn't even get invited to my 10 year fact I have no idea if we even had one...hmmmmm. Do I care? Nope! Oh, but dear sweet young has been 15 years now since I graduated high school...I'm freakin' old!