Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Did I Just Do?

For my 1st project for one of my EMAC classes this semester, we were required to write a text-based piece that was 900-1200 words that had something to do with the ideas or concepts we had read about in this specific book. It could be creative, it could be an essay, it could even be a data visualization or a word cloud, as long as we talked about it etc.

Well, I was nearing the due date (meaning, the night before my class), and I had been thinking about doing something creative. I always feel like sometimes (with certain subjects) it's easier to pull out something creative because I can write it up faster, it's more personal, and it usually gets a better grade because it's "creative." :) When I had first started thinking about the assignment, I decided that I'd probably write a short story kind of a thing because that'd be easy for me to write for one, and I'd get the word count, no problem. After reading the section of the book we were assigned, I had an idea on what I'd do, and I just started writing.

Sounds good, right?

Unfortunately, this one piece will get incorporated into a final portfolio at the end of the semester that includes 3 other projects, and they all have to have an overarching theme/point. Which means, I'll have to continue this story throughout the semester and reframe it through the different projects. Which means...

I just tricked myself into writing another novel/novella.

At least this one I'll be forced to finish, so I can get a good grade (and for my point to come across because this 1st assignment turned into just being more like an intro to the story and for the characters). But the whole time I kept thinking:

What did I just get myself into?

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