Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flavor of the Week

A friend of mine has a Tumblr in which every week she admits who her secret celebrity crush is and why she likes him. Because I love reading her Tumblr so much, I decided that I'd start a little admitting myself as to who my celebrity crushes are.

New series: Flavor of the Week

Every week (whenever I darn well feel like it), I'll admit to you who I'm having a secret celebrity crush on. I'm sure there'll be a few that are pretty obvious, but I'm hoping there'll be some obscure ones that you might not have thought of or even know who they are. :)

Because I want to start out the series strong, I've decided to pick someone with whom I've had a crush on since I was little and who is pretty much awesome. It will come as no surprise because I've already shared with you my undying love for this person in a previous post.

That's right, Robert Downey, Jr., or as I like to call him: RDJ. Behold the sexiness:

Yeah, he's had some rough years, but he is so much better now, has actually fixed his life, and clearly he doesn't give a crap what you say. AND that's what I love. He admits he had a problem that he was messed up and he can joke about it now that he's better. The man is hilarious as well as handsome and a great actor. I don't care how crappy the movie is, I'm going to see it because he's in it.

I heart him, and I always will.

And so RDJ is my FOTW forever. :)


anna said...

mmmmm. i love me some RJD too. this is a good idea for a series! i just do fake boyfriends. ah, so fun.

Miss Nesbit said...

Yay! This is why we are friends. Fake boyfriends eh? That's pretty much what these are too since you know... I don't have any real ones. :(