BUT I did learn something.
I in no way want to take a business or marketing class EVER AGAIN.
I hated this class. I wasn't interested in anything that I was supposed to be learning, everything was incredibly boring and confusing because I have no experience in business or marketing (everyone else in the class was in their 5th semester in the business program), and because it was online it was harder for me to motivate myself to actually study/read, not to mention that getting a response (both quickly and one that actually answered the question/made sense) from the professor was like pulling teeth. So I just winged it the whole class. Luckily I had a fairly strong group that knew what they were doing (for the most part), so I just did my part to help out and took whatever grade we got (cause it was better than the grade I would have gotten if I had to do it on my own).
Whatever. It's over, and at least I passed (gosh, never thought I'd be okay with that phrase...). Fall semester starts next week, so maybe I can bring my GPA back up over the next 2 semesters. My last 2 semesters.
P.S. I have some fun/exciting things going on in the next few weeks (well next week actually) that I want to tell you all about, so you know... keep your eyes peeled.
business and marketing classes were always my fave! ha.
i'm sorry you got a less than pleasing grade. you'll do wonderful this fall.
also, lets do something today.
okay. deal.
Umm yes! Let's! What are we going to do???
I found it a little free-ing when I got around to not being so concerned about the grade. Even if it's temporary, enjoy it while it lasts. :)
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